Common Issues that use of Human Needs Skills improve
Customer Relationships
Salespeople and sales support staff who are not equipped to deal with emotional arousal in customers, leading to relationship breakdown and a reduction in future business
A lack of skills in moving customers up the value chain to increase margin
Difficulties in bringing on board major new customers
Inability to resolve customer disputes satisfactorily before they progress to legal action
Poor communication between employees and across departments that prevents necessary work being done efficient
‘Personality clashes’ where people with strong areas of specialised knowledge do not understand each other and are not working well together
People getting deadlocked in conflict
Sales and New Business Development
Not winning tenders because our customers say we are 'uncompetitive'
Making really good presentations but not closing the sale
Sales losing momentum because we are unable to involve the key stakeholders in our customers’ business
Confusion within our customers business as to what they really want
Allowing price to become the dominant issue in the sales process
Doing a large volume of work with the customers procurement department, but unable to get to other key decision makers to get the deal signed off
Lack of leadership skills
Poor buy in and failure to delivery on performance and strategic objectives
Managers burning out, not delegating sufficiently and not coaching people to develop themselves as successors or as resources for the business
Managers being promoted based on their technical skills but with poor ability to manage and get the best from their team
Group meetings going off course, running over and being de-motivational for attendees. This results in poor decision making and a lack of follow through by the people attending
How to deal with and operate under targets that are imposed on an area, that seem unrealistic and out of touch for those that they are imposed on
Staff having a history of working with imposed developmental initiatives that did not teach real skills of problem solving and working well with people. This has resulted in people becoming cynical and sceptical with regard to future training initiatives
High staff turnover, sickness rates, poor life/work balance and unsatisfactory attendance at work
Low morale in individuals and poor performance in areas of the business